by admin | Nov 16, 2021 | Coco Peat
Cocopeat is known as an alternative growing medium besides conventional soil. This material is a non-fibrous, porous, lightweight, corky material that holds the coir fiber in coconut husk together. Cocopeat is the by-product of the coconut fiber extraction process. It...
by admin | Nov 9, 2021 | Indonesia Cocopeat
Ketika suatu proses budidaya pertanian berakhir, produk pangan akan dihasilkan. Namun, di samping hasil yang akan diambil, proses ini juga akan menghasilkan banyak limbah. Limbah organik ini dapat diolah menjadi kompos. Namun, limbah-limbah hasil pertanian atau...
by admin | Nov 5, 2021 | Coco Fiber
Coco fiber roll or net are made from full natural coconut coir. The fibers rolls are these coconut fibers twisted into thicker and stronger strings then tied into coir mats. This material is then twisted in lines, making it into the frame used to produce a coir mat...
by admin | Nov 2, 2021 | Indonesia Cocopeat
Pembangkit Listik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) merupakan salah satu jenis pembangkit listrik yang mengandalkan tenaga atau energi uap, lebih tepatnya energi kinetik dari uap air untuk dapat menghasilkan listrik. Pembangkit listrik jenis ini bentuk utamanya adalah generator yang...
by admin | Nov 2, 2021 | Coco Sheet
Coco fiber mat – Not many heard of the term coco fiber matting or coco coir mat, and you will likely have found them across homes and businesses as you cross the threshold. Nowadays, where we all want to be more environmentally friendly, a coco fiber mat is a...