Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier

Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier is known as one of the best in exporting products around the world. Cocopeat is available in a variety of forms for use as a growing medium in horticultural gardening. It is one of the most commonly used growing media as a substitute for traditional soil, particularly in hydroponics. Coco coir or coco fiber are alternate names for cocopeat. It made this material from coconut husks or coconut skin. Generally, cocopeat is from industrial coconut waste that uses coconut as raw material in their products. This article will tell you think you need to know about the Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier. So you get the best qualities of its product for your needs.

Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier product comprises fiber and cork as a liaison between the fibers. Each coconut contains ¾ fibers. Coconut husk contains chemical compounds such as cellulose, lignin, charcoal, tannin, and potassium. On average, one coconut can produce coir weighing 0.4 kg with a fiber content of 30%. Coconut husk processing has three primary products: coco fiber, second fine fiber, and dust or cocopeat. They can use fibers as mattresses, carpets, car seats, geo textiles, and many more. Using decompresses of coconut husk is an excellent growing media called cocopeat.

The variants of Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier

Coconut coir powder waste originates from industry in washing, heating, filtering, and then thorough inspection. This process happened before the product being process into cocopeat. The cocopeat polybag supplier product is separated into various grains and densities before entering the packaging step in Indonesia. Cocopeat available as blocks (briquettes), plank plates, and disc sheets in bulk powder form or compact packs (pressed and solid). Water is normally need to decompose, develop, and aerate cocopeat as a growing medium. 1 kg of cocopeat can decompose into 15 liters of moist cocopeat. The structure of the cocopeat, which is pack as a compress. It can make the cocopeat decompose within ten years of use. This is very helpful because the utilization of cocopeat can last longer.

Benefits of using cocopeat

Cocopeat use in agriculture and horticulture and an absorbent in industry. In agriculture and horticulture, as a cultivation medium, including hydroponic media as a substitute for soil media using cocopeat. Unfortunately, the nutrient content in cocopeat is low, so it is necessary to add other components as a planting medium to replace soil. The addition of compost or other fertilizers and husks will be an excellent alternative to a mixture of planting media. Natural Cocopeat has a pH level of 5.8-6 which means it is slightly acidic.

However, in some popular cultivated plants, this pH range is optimal for growing well (plant pH requirements are 5.5-6.5). The Indonesia cocopeat polybag supplier has the best qualities, so that it will require the specification needed in your growing media. Cocopeat naturally still contains fungi, namely Trichoderma sp, which is in symbiosis with cocopeat against pathogenic fungi Pythium sp. In sterile cocopeat, Trichoderma sp. One way to sterilize cocopeat from Trichoderma sp is to use hydrogen peroxide. Some cocopeat (from coconut husk), so it can still use the nitrogen available in the air. This condition triggers competition between the cocopeat and the plants that ride it if insufficient nitrogen content.

If you need any further help regard the cocopeat, coco fiber or other coconut derivative products, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: (Fajar Stevano) or email: [email protected]