cocopeat for plants

Cocopeat for plants – When you want to start gardening, cocopeat is one of the best growing media for plants. This organic growing medium has a quality that is not inferior to the soil. Cocopeat can be used in the hydroponic organic growing media because it is made from coconut fiber powder. You can also use cocopeat for plants in your pot because of this growing media flexibility. Cocopeat for plants has a lot of benefits rather than use any other type of soil. You can use this growing media with soil, or you can use it stand-alone for your plants. It’s an environmentally friendly product and has a low price, and this is why people commonly choose cocopeat as a substitute for conventional soil. Cocopeat is a perfect alternative to grow exotic plants or vegetables in your garden.

Cocopeat soil is made from fiber inside a coconut husk. People used to throw it away because they thought it was a waste. But in the early ’90s, people found it and use it for growing media plants. Cocopeat for plant is also used as an amendment, potting mix, and hydroponic production. Using Cocopeat for plants provides numerous benefits while recycling what were once useless products. This material is reusable, so when you buy it and finish growing plants, you can still use Cocopeat for the next plant. Cocopeat often sell in bricks, which have to be soaked to break them apart, but cocopeat also found in form of disk or dust.

Benefits of cocopeat for plants

When you choose cocopeat for growing media, it is a sustainable gardening resource. Not like peat moss, it’s a product of peatland mining which hazard to environmentally sensitive swamps and bogs. Moreover, cocopeat is better than peat moss because its excellent in water retaining capacity, drainage, aeration because the water retaining cocopeat has better moisture retention and aeration capability. Cocopeat is also resistant to diseases, weeds, and pests the plant. Cocopeat for the plant has a neutral soil pH, and its peat is not acidic. It is slower to decompose rather than use peat, and it will make your plant grow healthier and greener. In some research, cocopeat use for growing cucumber has the highest production compared to other growing mediums.

How to use

When you buy cocopeat from the seller, cocopeat has been ground and compressed into bricks. If you buy the type in brick cocopeat, put a couple in a 2-gallon bucket and add warm water. After that break, the bricks by your hands, or you can let the cocopeat soil soak for a couple of hours. Cocopeat will expand and increases up to 5 times in volume after reconstituted. If you use this growing media alone, you need to mix in a fertilizer since cocopeat has few nutrients disperse. In the garden, cocopeat can be directly placed into garden soil to improve water retention, aeration, and withstand soil fungus and weed.

Cocopeat for plants can also be used as a soil-less growing media for potted plants or in a growing water-culture environment. Add some cocopeat to a planter, leaving an inch of space below the planter rim. After that, put the seed in the center of cocopeat. Fertilizer and soil will need to be added to help a plant grow. If you are new to cocopeat use in the pot and don’t know the measurement. The easiest way is to add a quarter part of cocopeat in the potting mix. It will help the container garden not dry out faster because cocopeat soil will retain moisture. Take it easy, and you can be skilled after some trial.

If you have any further assistance, need regarding the coco peat, coco fiber or other coconut derivative products, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: (Fajar Stevano) or email: [email protected]